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Life is simple.

You wake up every day and there are only two things expected of you: 1. provide enough to the world that you earn enough to survive and 2. donā€™t affect anyone elseā€™s way of providing enough to the world to survive.

If you do those two things, you can do whatever you want.

And while it may be simple, we all know that itā€™s not easy.

If you focus on doing 1, you will naturally do well in life, but how do we do that with everything going on today?

Business is very simple. If youā€™re familiar with how osmosis works, it applies directly to life and business as well.

Osmosis occurs when a higher concentration of something interacts with a lower concentration of the same thing.

If youā€™re trying to change something in the world and the people youā€™re talking to donā€™t care, you naturally leave to find your people.

If you outperform the amount youā€™re getting paid for and nothing changes, you leave to find your natural concentration.

In a business setting, everyone gets hired at an equal rate to complete a job at that base rate. (refer to other article)

If you and 6 other people are doing the same essential job and were hired at the same time for the same pay, there will be a very clear choice for who ends up making more money in the end by that employer — it solely depends on who provides more value to the operation.

If 10 cashiers are hired at $15/hr and 1 of those employees decides to sweep, organize, and create promo signs when their other duties are done instead of taking a break and chatting with friends, that person is filling a gap in that storeā€™s needs.

If they consistently find gaps to fill, they will be paid an equivalent rate compared to the value they bring to the store.

When people notice a cleaner store, more customers may come in.Ā 

If the managers notice more customers and a happier atmosphere, they may give that cashier a raise, for bringing in more business. If no raise occurs, there is an inconsistency in the physics of that business, or that role’s saturation level has been reached and the need for a promotion is in order.

Most positions have an absolute saturation level where no more good deeds will be rewarded with more pay because the rate of exchange is not returned in the value that position is creating. It may be time for a promotion or a new industry.

While Iā€™m sure many employers would love to pay their best employees more than they currently are, the fact is, they often feel the need to save money to fill the gaps that arenā€™t being filled. Once a pressing gap has been filled, they should happily pay an equal amount compared to the value brought in.Ā 

If you see an inconsistency in pay vs value brought in, you may have just realized a wonderful opportunity for you to take your skills and build the value you know can be created. Whatā€™s stopping you from putting that value into the world?

Find the gap and fill it. Go where you belong.