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Searching in Notion

Notion is like having the entire internet fully connected, not separate websites. On a regular website, you can press Ctrl + F to find any word on that page, and zip you right to where it is on that page.

Only, Notion lets you do more with its search. Even the basic Ctrl + F that we know and love has an extra feature.

This guide will walk you through the three types of searches in Notion.

To get right into it, here are the different search types:

  • Search on a page with Ctrl + F.
  • Search across your entire workspace with Ctrl + P or Ctrl + K.
  • Search any workspace from anywhere on your computer with Ctrl + Shift + K.

We’ll start with my favorite.

Search Any Workspace From Anywhere

Type 3 is incredibly useful when you’re looking for a document while using a different program. This is called a Command Search.

Press Ctrl + Shift + K and search Notion from anywhere.

When the window pops up, click the icon in the top left and swap to whatever workspace you want to search. You can even sort and filter the search, similar to using a database. How neat is that?

The other two types of searches aren’t as universal, and only happen inside of Notion.

Find On a Page

Type one is straightforward: Press Ctrl + F, then type the word that you’re looking for. Notion will show you every matching word on the page

To extend this functionality even more, you can highlight a word or part of a word before pressing Ctrl + F to search for all matching words on the same page.

It’s a quick way to avoid scrolling through long pages.

Search Across Workspace

The Notion specific search is using Ctrl + K or Ctrl + P to do a workspace search.

Both options bring up the same Notion window. And both windows have the similar sort and filter features to the command search (search from anywhere with Ctrl + Shift + K) window. The biggest difference is that it’s limited to the current workspace. That’s about it.

So, is there a difference when using Ctrl + K compared to Ctrl + P to search?

Yes. But only sometimes.

Just like when you highlight a word and press Ctrl + F, there’s a special feature with Ctrl + K, just because of Notion’s ability to link different pages around your workspace.

Sure, you can always copy a page’s URL then paste it onto of a word to create a link. That works. If you have the link.

A more convenient way is to highlight a word and press Ctrl + K to pull up a search window where you can link any page in your workspace. It’s a quick and easy way to connect ideas without copy and paste overload.

You can even use the highlight + Ctrl + K method to link any external websites that you can spell or paste. Heck, you can even add outside links using the Ctrl + K, highlight method.

Handy, stackable tips everywhere you look.

Shortcuts Are All About Saving Time and Brain space

We only have so much, take the shortcut when it’s available.

  • Ctrl + F: Search on the current page.
  • Ctrl + K or Ctrl + P: Search your workspace.
  • Ctrl + Shift + K: Search all workspaces from anywhere

In the end, it’s about smooth navigation in Notion for better use of your time elsewhere. Why not use it where it makes sense?